Nassau High Percentage Tennis Academy is designed to be a complete program for highly competitive juniors seeking high level collegiate tennis and beyond. We are a one-stop-shop that can fulfill the needs of the most prominent juniors and are led by a highly experienced Coaching Staff.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call us directly at (908) 359-8730 or email the High Performance Director
Sign up today!
Ages 10 and under
(3 hours per session)
Designed for younger players who are striving to become competitive players, and already pursuing local orange and green competition. Our program places a strong emphasis on technical development, ball control, and deploying simple tactics. A variety of training balls are used per the Coaches’ discretion.
Director’s Approval is Required.
Ages 13 and under
(3 hours per session)
Designed for players who need to further develop their fundamentals before advancing to higher levels. A continued emphasis on technical development, consistency, and improved understanding of high percentage tennis will be made.
UTR of 3.0 - 4.9 and Director’s Approval is Required.
Ages 14 - 18
(3 hours per session)
Designed for High School players who are striving to become dominant players within their teams, as well as further develop their game to compete at a regional level. A significant emphasis on consistency, footwork patterns, and high percentage tennis will be made.
UTR of 3.0 - 5.5 and/or Director’s Approval is Required.
Ages 10 - 18
(3 hours per session)
Designed for young competitive players, who regularly compete at National Level events, as well as competitive high school players, who play singles for strong teams and compete at high level sectional events / National Level events. The goal of this program is to further develop players in order to join our Excellence team. A strong emphasis on developing a “player identity”, while further developing their technical, tactical, and physical capabilities will be given.
UTR of 5 - 7.4 and Director’s Approval is Required.
Ages 12 - 18
(3 hours per session)
Designed for high-level players, who are regularly competing at National Level events and are striving to play at elite collegiate programs and beyond. A significant emphasis on shot selection, weapon development, patterns of play, and trainability will be made.
UTR of 7.5 + and Director’s Approval is Required.
Member Rate - $125 per Class
Non Member Rate - $140 per Class
Member Rate - $125 per Class
Non Member Rate - $140 per Class
Member Rate - $125 per Class
Non Member Rate - $140 per Class
Member Rate - $125 per Class
Non Member Rate - $140 per Class
Member Rate - $125 per Class
Non Member Rate - $140 per Class
A 24 hour notice for the class that will be missed is required to receive a Make-Up.
Absences must be made online.
1 Make-Up is allowed per session.
A Make-Up may only be used in the same session that you are reporting an absence.
Multi-Class and Sibling Discounts:
20% off all classes after first class registration.
(> 1 Class / Week)
Session 3 Start Date:
3rd Session (9 Week): Monday, April 21st
No Classes:
Easter: Sunday, April 20
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday, May 19th – Monday, May 21st
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