Nassau offers professional pickleball instruction for all levels.
Private Lessons are the best way to get personalized instruction from our expert staff for maximum game improvement. One-on-One Lessons can range anywhere from 1/2 hour to 2 hours. Pricing will vary based on the experience of the pickleball professional as well as the number of players within the Private Lesson.
If you are unsure about what level is appropriate, please call us to set up an evaluation at (908) 359-8730.
Personalized instruction with our professional pickleball staff. All prices are displayed at a per person rate.
Member Rate - $80
Nonmember Rate - $90
Member Rate - $45
Nonmember Rate - $50
Member Rate - $35
Nonmember Rate - $40
Member Rate - $30
Nonmember Rate - $35
Member Rate - $25
Nonmember Rate - $30
Member Rate - $25
Nonmember Rate - $30
All classes must have a minimum of 4 players per court.
Sunday's - 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Levels: Beginner | Introductory
Prepayment required to reserve your spot
Saturday's - 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Levels: Advanced Beginner | Intermediate
Prepayment required to reserve your spot
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